Under the weather
While summer has just recently started for the rest of the world, it’s done for the Philippines. We’ve had no sun for the past two weeks. It’s been raining non-stop, with crazy thunderstorms every other day. I love the rain – I am a rain person, and I like the cooler temperature that goes along with it – but I hate getting sick when the weather abruptly changes like this.
I’ve been nursing a cold for almost two weeks now. It started as a slight pain inside the nose bridge area of my nose (I don’t know how to explain it better). My head was heavy and I couldn’t sleep well after a few days because my nose started clogging up. Now I’ve got full on colds, my nose is dripping when I’m standing up, clogged when I’m lying down. I have cough, I have a fever that doesn’t want to come out, my throat’s itchy – there’s a lot to complain about the state of my health right now.

I want to go out in the rain. I want to drink beer while listening to the raindrops fall on the pavement. But I also don’t mind lying in bed, fully wrapped inside a blanket, as long as I can breathe properly. Fortunately, my mom is here! There’s nothing like tender loving care from your mother when you’re sick! She makes me food to keep me energized. She rubs Vicks Vaporub on my back (HAHA). If only it weren’t fiscal year end, I could say that it’s the best time to be sick!
OK, I don’t know if Google is psychic because I have my YouTube on the TV – I’ve let it autoplay Japanese songs and it’s playing me this song right now which perfectly fits the mood.
I hope I get better tomorrow. I don’t want to be barking like a mad dog at work with this cough. I want to wear a mask the way Japanese people do when they have the sniffles – but people stare at you here for wearing a mask outside the hospital.
I’m not sure where I’m going with this post anymore so I’ll end this here. I’m a bit under the weather, but my mind is at peace. I think. Now I hope it rains hard tonight so that I can sleep better.
Good night!