Stop trying and start doing

It’s the end of a fiscal year at work, and I’m also nearing the end of another year in this world. July to me is like New Year’s – I feel inspired to change, to start something new, to become better. The same goes for this blog, which I have obviously been neglecting for how long now. There’s really only one reason why I haven’t been posting anything – it’s because I’ve always been waiting for the right topic, the inspiration and motivation to come up with the right words to say – and I end up not doing anything. Analysis paralysis is what others would call it. I’ve traveled so many places the past months but I haven’t gotten around to blogging about those trips as well. So yes, I have been failing miserably at this.

It’s just turned July 1st (it’s 12:33 AM of July 1st as of the time of writing this) and I’ve decided to just write. I just watched this video of a YouTuber that I follow and it inspired me to just start over again.

This one’s about journaling (like the physical one), which I also tried to do at the start of the year and ended up failing, too – but it’s something I want to do for blogging. This is how I started 15 years ago, and it’s probably the right thing to do to keep me posting. I’m tired of thinking about what to write ahead of time, analyzing what would make my blog special, thinking about how to get people to visit and come back regularly – not that I really cared about that so much at the start, but ultimately, I wanted to do something GREAT right away. I put too much pressure on myself that I literally just stopped doing anything.

That said, I will return to daily blogging. There’s no better day to start than today, a week before I turn a year older. Maybe along the way, I’ll discover my niche. I’ll also be going through some major changes which I want to document and share with you guys! So yeah, let’s see where this goes. I plan to post daily for at least 30 days – it might be painful to force things out of some days but I also have some things to look forward to this month, so there will still be some balance between trash and hopefully, some quality posts.

It’s almost 1 AM now and I have an early morning tomorrow so I’ll end this here for now. Ciao!

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