JMovie: Battery (2007)
So, I will be reviving my recommendations section with things I’ve recently watched and enjoyed, starting with this Japanese movie that’s based on a novel series, that also has a drama series and an anime series (available on Amazon Prime Video). It must be that good, right? The movie is called Battery and it was released in 2007.
It’s very hard for me to put to words why I like certain movies without getting into the spoilers so please just trust me when I say you should watch this! But let me try anyway.

Why you should watch it
- Young Kento Hayashi! I believe this is his debut movie and it’s just shocking to see how young he is and yet his acting is already very convincing and believable.
- Whether you’re a fan of the sport or not, you’ll learn to like baseball. Battery actually refers to the catcher-pitcher pair.
- Baseball may seem like a small thing to most people but could mean the world to those who live in it. Applies to all other “passions” one may have in life.
- No spoilers but there are some heart-tugging, lump-in-your-throat, ninja-slicing-onion moments so be prepared
Click here to watch it on Netflix. If you don’t have it in your region, go use a VPN or a proxy service and change your location to the Philippines! Once you’ve seen it, let me know what you think (without spoilers) in the comments section below!