dear 2018

Dear 2018

Dear 2018,

As with all of the other things in my life, I’ve been putting off this letter to you to the last minute (technically, the last 2 and a half hours left of you) because I wanted to think things through thoroughly. In the end, I have nothing grand or dramatic to write, not that it really matters. You have come so suddenly, and will be leaving soon, without any care for how we celebrate or not celebrate your passing.

When I was younger, I always liked looking back at the year that was and posting about it – perhaps to prove to myself that I did not waste it away, or to show others that all is or was good. Now’s about the time when social media is filled with lengthy posts of how great (or not) of a year you have been. And how everyone is looking forward to (even) better things in 2019. If I were you, I would not know how to feel about this – being praised, and then being let go so easily.

But that’s just how things are each year. We let go of the old and welcome the new. I also don’t see the value in comparing the years – because we can’t change the past. I don’t even believe we can change the future – we only have one future. That’s what we make it to be, or what the world wants it to be. I no longer believe in what-ifs, in I-should-have-done-this-or-thats. More than ever, I believe in the now. That has been the greatest lesson you’ve taught me.

As mentioned, I will no longer be running down the events that made me love and hate you. But I wanted to write a letter to say my goodbyes properly. At the end of it all, I would like to thank you for helping me become the (better) person I am today. I’m not exactly where I want to be yet, but small progress is better than no progress. I’ve defined you to be the year that I focus on improving myself and I did just that.

Ariana sang and I quote, “Thank you, next” – but by posting this, I hope you don’t feel that I am rushing you. A “thank you” would suffice.

Thank you,

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