2018.09.14 – JLPT N3, Utada Hikaru Lottery


I hate myself! I totally forgot that yesterday was the deadline for the JLPT N3 exam application (for this December). To be honest, I haven’t really prepared for it, too. I told myself when I skipped it last July that I’ll resume my studies – and have even quit social media for it – but I didn’t really get anywhere. I’m not being hard on myself but I really have to sort out my priorities. I still do have that big Japan dream, although exactly what – I don’t know anymore!

Utada Hikaru Concert Lottery

Today is the first day of the Lottery application for the Utada Hikaru series of concerts in Japan. I have just sent in mine, and I’m really hoping and praying to Hikki-sama that I get a slot! She can take all my money! I JUST HAVE TO SEE AND HEAR HER SING LIVE!

Hello lucky numbers!

Other blog updates

My blog’s tagline is Daily Life of a Filipino Japanophile, but I haven’t really been talking much about Japan or anything related to it since I revamped the blog. I want to recommend some dramas, movies, music, anime, or pop-culture things but I haven’t been updating myself with what’s current so these recommendations might be outdated. My plan to put up some basic Japanese lessons have also been put on hold for the longest time now because to be honest, there are a lot of better resources on the internet already. So I need to figure this out as well.

I’ve always had difficulty in creating titles for my posts too, so I’m thinking of choosing a Japanese word each day and using that as a title! It will be a word that could sum up the day’s highlight, or not, but nonetheless, it will be one new word (or phrase, or expression) every day. I’ll start doing that tomorrow!


Despite the typhoon warning, today has been pretty calm in terms of the weather. Nothing crazy happening outside. But, this may not be the case in other parts of the country, so I can’t be insensitive about it. I had a weird headache today, which did not clear even after I drank my coffee. So, I slept at around 3PM and just woke up now. I need to get back to my emails after this post so I’ll be ending this here.

I will leave you with an interesting video about the word “OK”, its history, and how it has become a universal word, something so basic that it’s shocking to know that it was just an invented word that went viral. Anyhow, watch the video!

Video credits to Vox.



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