2018.09.06 – Blog changes / Debbie’s 10th

So, an email arrived that made me think twice about this whole blogging thing on here. I have been “secretly” blogging over at LiveJournal every day for a month now because that was where I started a long, long time ago. Last night, I got an email from my hosting service billing me for the next three years of subscription – and wow, this site is not cheap! I wanted to just let it die and move to LJ for good, but my Japan travel posts are all here! And, I cannot set-up Adsense there (as if I’m actually earning anything from here), so to cut the story short, I chose to stay here, pay that bill and do better so that I get the most of what I’m paying for.

What now?

For the longest time, I couldn’t really decide what I wanted my site to be about, and I have been agonizing over it, to the point of me not posting anything anymore. Analysis paralysis is what they call it. I decided to let that all go – and do what I do best, which is just talk about my day. It may not be as interesting, but it’s what I want to do. For myself when I get older. For my friends (who bother visiting this site) who miss me on social media. And for strangers who happen to magically stumble upon my humble site. So yes, this will now be my public journal for all to see (wow, celebrity?), with some sections still for my interests, things I want to share, as well as Japan-specific topics. I’m also thinking of introducing a Japanese word in each entry, because I wanted to still highlight my being a weeb Japanophile.

Sorry for the spam

For my friends who follow my page on Facebook and Twitter, sorry for last night’s migration spam. Since this blog is linked to those accounts, all entries get auto-posted to those two social media platforms (even if I don’t use them anymore). Feel free to catch up on my posts for the month, though!

What I did today

So other than work (as per usual), today was my good friend Debbie’s 10th work anniversary dinner celebration (that’s a mouthful to read). We had it at Nanbantei, which is one of my favorite yakitori places in the metro! I don’t have photos of the food because I arrived late (came from an urgent meeting). Instead, I will leave you with the group photo, and our usual selfie.

Debbie and friends
Selfie partner!

It was a short dinner because they still have meetings and work after. I hope we can celebrate longer (and with drinks, too) soon! πŸ™‚

P.S. Thank you WordPress for fixing your mobile app! It finally works well!!

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