2018.09.19 – 水曜日 – Buffet at Yakimix (BGC) / Catch-up at The Pyramid (Cebu)
I am a week delayed with my posts – but as promised, I will catch up! Here’s a bit of a throwback to last Wednesday’s events – which to summarize, is all about food and drinks and quality time spent with friends!
Buffet lunch at Yakimix
Before I talk about the start of my Cebu weekend, let me back up a bit to what happened during the day. I still went to the office because my flight was scheduled at 7:55 PM and I didn’t want to waste any of my vacation leaves. Also, it was our new hire Bryan’s welcome lunch – which I couldn’t miss out on, especially since it was free Japanese buffet (at Yakimix Prime).

Of course I had to load up on the tempura and the sashimi. I may have exceeded my allowed carbs for the day from the tempura breading but I didn’t mind! Aside from this, I mostly had meat and salads and satisfied myself with watching my teammates have their fill of other carb-loaded food.

Towards the end of lunch, my teammate Jon saw a questionable sanitary situation at the Japanese section of the buffet. Basically, there was a small cockroach stuck to one of the sushi plates (latched on to a sushi). I will not post the photo here, but yes – that made us feel worried, and I hope Yakimix addresses that if they see my friends’ posts on social media about it. If you want to see the photo, comment down below and I “may” upload it – all for the views! Just kidding!
After lunch, we passed by Arabica for coffee in preparation for our team meeting in the afternoon. I can’t stress enough how much I love Arabica coffee – so please do try it if you can! It may just be me, but I can’t get enough of that coffee, I swear!
Airport + Flight to Cebu
Our meeting ended up at around 3:30 PM, and I planned to leave the office at 4 so that I could avoid the difficulty of booking a ride, as well as the traffic, during rush hour (which starts as early as 4:30-5 PM). I was already at the airport at around 5:30 PM, which was 3 hours early for my flight. I passed time working at Manila Café, because they have good internet connection as well as affordable coffee (and great hotel-like ambiance, too!).
My flight was delayed by around 30 minutes but I was just happy when we finally boarded the plane and started taking off. I was not able to go home last August, so the excitement was a bit more than the usual.

Cebu’s Louvre – The Pyramid
There’s actually a reason why I scheduled my Cebu trip this weekend. One of my closest friends from college (Chowa), who now lives in New Zealand, is here with her family to celebrate her daughter’s 4th birthday, as well as enjoy a vacation, since they haven’t come home in over three years! Immediately after landing, PJ picked me up from the airport, and then we proceeded to pick-up Chowa and Bernie, and headed straight to IT Park for my late dinner, and some drinks.

Bernie left at around 1:30AM, and then Hannah arrived (she just got out of work)! We decided to transfer someplace more quiet where we can talk better and catch-up over more alcohol!

We had a second stop but I’m moving that to the next day’s post as it technically happened on a Thursday already!
You probably guessed it – Wednesday is Water Day! 水曜日 is pronounced as sui-you-bi. The kanji 水 means water.