Travel Expense Tracker for Groups

Have you ever had a hard time tracking your travel budget and expenses, especially when you travel in groups? I have created a very simple Travel Expense Tracker that automatically does this for you.

The tracker is saved on Google Sheets so you and your travel buddies can access and update this at the same time.

Sheet 1 Travel Buddies

On this sheet, you just need to input the name of your travel buddies, as well as your budget for the trip. As of the moment, I have limited the number of travel buddies to a maximum of 20 people. You can also input your travel destination and travel dates (for labeling purposes).


Sheet 2Expenses

This is where you will input your specific expenses, who paid for those expenses, and the amount involved per expense. The expense column is a free field so you can input whatever you want. The Paid By column is limited to the names you’ve entered in Sheet 1 – Travel Buddies. This sheet also shows a snapshot of your total expense as a reference.


Sheet 3 – Summary

The last sheet is basically a report that shows the allocated expense for each travel buddy (note that this tool allocates all expenses EQUALLY). This also shows the receivable/payable amount based on the payments made by each person vs. their allocated expenses. Lastly, it also shows the remaining budget per person. This will vary depending on the initial budget set for each person.


In the above example – Ron owes 17.75, and needs to pay Maggie for 11.25, with the balance of 6.5 to John. Keith will also pay 1.75 to John. 

Because this is on Google Sheets – you can easily access this on your smartphones (iOS & Android have standalone Google Sheets apps).

You can purchase the Travel Expense Tracker for 100 PHP only (~2 USD). This will help me fund my hosting services for this blog! 🙂 Payment will be done via PayPal. Once payment is confirmed, I will create a copy of the tracker and give you Edit access via Google Sheets (this will also allow you to share this with your travel buddies).

If you have any questions on the tool, feel free to leave your comments below and I will assist you the best way I can!

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