Taiwan: Days 4 & 5 – Outlet Shopping & Free time!
Our second to the last day was gloomy – we were expecting this weekend to be rainy and were lucky enough to have had bright sunny days to tour around. But on this day, there was no chance of sun. It’s fine since all we had in the itinerary was shopping!
Day 4
Off we go to Mitsui Outlet Park!

Mitsui Outlet Park is outside Taipei so we had to take a 20-30 minute train ride if I’m not mistaken. When we got there, it was already drizzling. We were ready so we had umbrellas with us. But, I wasn’t prepared for the cold wind!

We got lost on the way to Mitsui Outlet Park from the train station. We apparently walked in the opposite direction! We passed through a lot of construction and eventually found ourselves in a big but seemingly empty mall!

The shopping began. I wasn’t really planning on buying anything. I tried out some things but did not eventually buy them. #minimalism

After walking around for over an hour, we decided to take a break at a Japanese coffee shop that served these fluffy pancakes! Expensive but, it was an experience we had to try.

I eventually ended up buying a pair of shoes because I liked the colors. This was a steal at only a little over 2,000 PHP.

After spending a whole afternoon at the outlet store, we went back to the hotel to freshen up – and it was free time for everyone. We could go wherever we wanted to go!
I decided to go roam around Xiamending again, looking for milk tea.

I found a milk tea shop that looked like it was named after me. HAHA. Tell me you do not see JEK in this sign?

After milk tea, I decided to walk around more. I was craving for beef noodles because it was a cold day. I managed to drag my brother and some friends to search for a street-side stall that sells beef noodles!

Finally, we stumbled upon this local restaurant that had beef noodles among many other local food!

The others caught up with us when we told them about this spot. So, we were all gathered again for the last evening in Taipei!

Day 5
The next day was another free day – our flight was in the early evening so we had half a day before going to the airport. We spent it buying souvenirs to bring back home. And also, I brought them to “my” milk tea shop! XD

While everyone else was shopping for souvenirs, we headed to this cafe near our hotel which I really wanted to try out ever since I saw it. It’s a small cafe with some tables outside. And a lot of plants! Luckily, there was an available table when we got there!

It was finally time to go back to the hotel to check out and head to the airport! I was feeling sad as I always do on the day I fly back home from a trip. I had a great time though and created good memories with friends old and new so I had no regrets.
The last three photos are of myself so you can actually end it here if you want. XD

I’m finally done with the Taiwan blogs! Blogging is not as easy (nor as fun really) as it used to be. But I need to do this because I want to remember the events of each trip. I have a lot more backlog posts that I need to catch up on soon as well – I’ll get to them one by one, slowly but surely – with enough motivation and energy. Haha.
Thank you for reading until the end!