Quitting Social Media – 5 Days After
It’s only been 5 days after I “quit” social media and it hasn’t been easy! I keep looking at my phone in disappointment that there’s nothing to check. Good thing I still have YouTube left, so I’ve been watching motivational videos lately to help me get back on track with my goals. True enough, I have accomplished a few things in the last 5 days that I otherwise would have procrastinated on.
Went back to blogging regularly
I mean “blogging” the way it used to be for me, over at LiveJournal! To be honest, I’m still torn about dividing my attention between two blogs – and will probably just end up merging it into one. I just feel a lot more comfortable at LiveJournal because the things I post feel private, even they aren’t really (the posts are also public). I guess it’s the nostalgia factor, like how talkative one gets when talking to an old friend. Since I don’t have Twitter or Instagram to update friends on what I’m doing, I’m posting my daily journal over there and in case you want to check it out – here’s the link: http://jekert.livejournal.com. I do have a Journal section over here as well so I might just cross-post it, or just decide on one – I need to make up my mind soon!
Cleaned up my kitchen
Inspired by this Japanese guy on YouTube (Ryoya Takashima of Peaceful Cuisine), I wanted to reconfigure my kitchen without spending any money. I wanted it to feel more spacious, more refreshing – so I moved around some furniture and was pleased with the result!

It’s a shame I didn’t take a photo of the “before” set-up. I just worked on the urge to rearrange the kitchen before it disappeared! I will eventually have to spend some money to get rags, maybe add some lighting under the pantry cabinet, and as the brother suggested, some (fake) plants on top? We’ll see!
Finished a Japanese Drama
Finally had time to finish a series in one sitting. It’s called Switched and it’s on Netflix in case you are interested. Although to be fair, this only had 6 episodes so it’s shorter than most Japanese series. I thoroughly enjoyed this because I missed watching high school-themed Japanese series and this had enough suspense to not make it boring. Also, seeing the new generation of Japanese actors/actresses made me feel a bit old, but proud! Their Senpais would have been relieved to hand down the responsibility of quality Jdrama to them. (What am I saying)
My favorite line/lesson from the series is when Ayumi says “You only need one person who sees you, to take you out from the darkness into the light”. I like how that is phrased, and it is true. The series touches a lot of controversial realities such as bullying, depression and suicide. And that all of these can be overcome with the help of just one person who sees you and appreciates you for who or what you are!
Just the beginning
I will take these small accomplishments and pat myself on the back for it. Note that I was also recovering from gout in this duration! I could have spend the entire time on social media, but I didn’t and I am proud of myself! I have also been bugging my friends on Viber/messenger more because it can really get boring! There’s always a need to connect and I’m thankful social media and blogging makes that possible for everyone. The thing I really just wanted to eliminate with this exercise is the excessive use of social media that hampers productivity, causes depression and anxiety and also the stress from toxic people/posts.
So far, so good! Please keep in touch with me by supporting my blogs and commenting! Haha! It has been raining like crazy here in Manila this weekend. I hope all of you are dry and safe wherever you are. 🙂
nice jek!
Thanks Pi!! I remember our old blogging days! Hehe. Good luck with the Bar! 🙂
Nice one. I miss you on Twitter!
I miss Twitter, too! Kumusta naman tweets mo ngayon? Sana mga masasayang tweets na kahit papano! hehe. 🙂