Oshaberi Salon – Tanabata
The Japan Foundation Manila (JFM) is organizing an Oshaberi Salon this July 8 for Tanabata! The Oshaberi Salons are different “Japanese-speaking” activities where Nihongo enthusiasts can freely join and practice their Japanese. To be honest, I have never attended one session (because I get intimidated by those who speak good Japanese), but to those of you who want to test your skills, or just connect and make friends with fellow Japanophiles – this is a perfect venue for that! According to the invite:
This time, let’s have some activities about Tanabata using Nihongo!
We will make origami
Tanabata decorations, talk about our wishes in Nihongo and so on.
Check out the invite below for the full details and contact numbers for inquiries:
Tanabata is a Japanese festival held every *July 7th (technically on the 7th day of the 7th month of the Lunar calendar – but this has been simplified to July 7th on most areas). This is the only day in the year when lovers Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair) get to meet. You can read up on the interesting story behind the festival on Wikipedia, but what people do on this day is tie their wish, written on a paper, to a “wish” tree (mostly bamboo).
What makes Tanabata special to me, personally, is that it falls on my birthday! That said, I probably won’t be able to attend this Oshaberi Salon – but I’m thinking of doing my own Tanabata-themed birthday party, if I don’t get lazy.
Tanabata also reminds me of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. And, this song by Tegomass (sorry, Youtube no longer has the full version of the video).
Someday, I’ll celebrate both my birthday and Tanabata in Japan!