Fumetsu no Anata E (To Your Eternity)
An anime that has Utada Hikaru singing for its opening/ending theme is always worth watching. Fumetsu no Anata E (To Your Eternity) was released on Netflix a few months ago. And to my surprise, it was not what I expected!
The story starts out with the creation of an “immortal” being that started out as a small rock. It eventually copies the identity of living or non-living things that it gets attached to – through pain or strong emotional feelings. Later on named as Fushi by one of the human beings it meets along the way, he experiences what it is like to be human. At the same time, he starts discovering his powers.

In summary, the series is about Fushi’s growth – his relationship with the people he crosses paths with, the things he learns (and copies) from them, and ultimately choosing between living a normal life with the people he loves, or leaving them to become a stronger being that could defeat the enemy (a.k.a. Nokkers). Is Fushi God? He isn’t, since someone else created him. God might be the black-hooded guy who is also the narrator of the story. He guides Fushi without making the decisions for him.
To me, this anime series is a story about death, and how death teaches us many valuable lessons that help us grow and become stronger. How those who pass away become a part of us, in one way or another.
Utada Hikaru’s Pink Blood – the song that made me watch the anime, is also the icing on the cake.