February 2019 Rundown
Because I am truly failing at making this a daily blog, here’s a rundown of my highlights for the month of February.
1st week
The first week of February was busy but fun. Our manager who is based in the US was here for a business trip and while our days were packed with meetings and working sessions, we also had a lot of team lunches and dinners! Our team has grown exponentially (there used to be only 6 of us) with all the new work coming in – but the more, the merrier, right?
We capped off the week with an offsite team building where we walked on ropes, ran a tough obstacle course, and spent four hours singing our hearts out in karaoke!

2nd week
At the end of the first week, I flew to Cebu to attend the baptism of a friend’s first baby! I’m not a religious person so I don’t know why people are getting me to be a godparent to their kids – but I make exceptions for close friends. It was good to see my college friends and I also got to catch up with my old Bisdak family who are now all back in Cebu for good.

I actually got sick while in Cebu and took that with me back to Manila. I had fever and chills, unending cough, no voice because my throat couldn’t take all the coughing – but still went to work. The virus was all over the office, too – so a lot of people were sick, it wasn’t just me. I did not spread it around!

3rd week
I was feeling a bit better on the third week after taking a few days off work to really rest. I just stayed in bed for 3 days straight from the weekend so that helped a lot. Work continues to be busy so I tried to balance that out by hanging out with friends, both old and new!

The weekend that followed was a long weekend (Monday was a holiday) – but I did not go anywhere or do anything special. I just stayed at home, slept for half the time, and caught up on my Netflix shows (finished The Umbrella Academy and Violet Evergarden).
4th week
The last week of February was hectic. It was our first month-end closing as a team, and since February is a couple of days short from the other months, tasks where we would normally have 5 days to complete were crammed into 1-2 days. We did it anyway!

And that’s how February ended for me! It felt like a short month because there were so many things to do and so little time to do them – but at the same time, I agonized a lot because I got really sick and for a long time too (almost 2 weeks). Anyhow, glad that’s all over and done! There are busier days ahead, but there are weekends to look forward to. I have some travels lined up in each month, starting in March so I hope to blog more often, more timely, and go from monthly updates, to maybe weekly updates – until I get to my goal of daily blogging.
As I always say – we’ll see!
P.S. As you may have noticed, no Valentines whatsoever for me!