Day 6: Surviving the first week
Before I start this post, here’s Day6 with an apt song – Congratulations.
I am happy I made it through the past two days. It hasn’t been easy, but the fight continues!
Tired of fat
The sight and smell of oil and butter makes me want to vomit, so I went out and looked for a place where I can eat Keto-friendly food that’s not prepared the usual way I prepare my food. I had a blogging session with a friend at a nearby cafe, where I ordered Baked Salmon with mushroom sauce. I skipped the baby potatoes and the free iced tea that came with it. Instead, I ordered an iced americano and drank it together with the Stevia that I brought with me. After that fun blogging session, I decided that it’s time for me to buy a mirrorless camera. I have a trip coming up the end of this month and I need a camera since I already sold my old one to my sister.

For early dinner, I had sizzing porkchop with gravy, minus the rice. It came with a free cream of vegetable soup, which I ate just half a portion of. For midnight snack (yes, I got hungry), I had some lechon and achara, and I thought I ate a lot.
The stats
I felt like I pigged out today, and indeed I did not meet my macros target. However, I didn’t blame myself too much because there will always be a slump. Surprisingly, I ended the day with a calorie deficit still, despite my feeling full so that could be the Keto working its magic!

Tomorrow completes my first week and I can’t wait to weigh in and see if this entire ordeal will show results!