Category: Minimalism

Minimalism: Beyond the KonMari method

I have been following Marie Kondo (KonMari) on Instagram since I started out my minimalism journey a year ago. She has published two best-selling books entitled The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy. I loved her idea of decluttering – thanking the things that have served you one way or another, before […]

Quitting Social Media: What I Learned

A couple of months ago, in August to be exact, I decided to take an indefinite leave from social media. I managed to do it for almost two months, coming back to Twitter on October 15, and a bit earlier on Instagram, towards the end of September. This is an entry to just close this […]

Quitting Social Media – 5 Days After

It’s only been 5 days after I “quit” social media and it hasn’t been easy! I keep looking at my phone in disappointment that there’s nothing to check. Good thing I still have YouTube left, so I’ve been watching motivational videos lately to help me get back on track with my goals. True enough, I […]

Quitting Social Media

I’m quitting social media – at least the three top ones – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I’m thinking of it as a way to reduce the distractions in my life, to take me closer to living a more minimalist lifestyle. It’s not going to be easy, being a social media addict since social media was […]

Late Birthday Update

Hey guys! I know I haven’t posted for a long time now. I don’t really have an excuse other than not having any motivation to do anything productive in the past few months. As you may know (or not know), I turned another year older this July! Usually, I do a birthday post that talks […]


It’s only recently that I’ve discovered the minimalist lifestyle. I’m still far from calling myself a minimalist, but I’m slowly trying to get there. You may ask, why this lifestyle? I have one answer – I want to focus on the important things in life. The ones that make me feel like life is good.  These […]

My Own Tiny House

I’ve seen these Tiny Houses before on cable TV, but that was prior to my interest in living a life of minimalism. A lot of my friends have already bought their own condominium units, built their houses in the suburbs – and here I am, still renting a two-bedroom apartment with my brother. My future […]