Basic Japanese 1 – Hiragana – Wa, N, Particle O
You’ve made it to the last set of unique Hiragana characters! Good job! There are remaining sets but you’ll find that they will use characters you’ve already learned in the past. Anyway, here are the last 3 characters for you to learn.

- ん – is a whole syllable in it self and is pronounced distinctly such. In the example above, the word for orange is pronounced – MI-KA-N
- を – romanized as o or wo is only used as a particle (in constructing phrases/sentences). So, you should not find it confusing when to use お vs. を.
- わ – the character は when used as a particle is also pronounced as wa. For example, when you say “This is my orange”, you say これ (kore) は (wa) わたし (watashi) の (no) みかん (mikan) です (desu)。That said, do not use わ when typing out the particle は (wa).
Off to the stroke order and pronunciation!
I know I said you’re at the last set of unique hiragana characters, but we still have a few more sets before finishing the complete Hiragana table. But the next ones will be easier if you studied the previous lessons because they are basically the same characters with “markers” used to change the sound.
See you in the next lesson! またね!