2019.04.02 – A day in the life
I’ve purposely entitled this site as “Boku no Nichijou” which (roughly) translates to My Ordinary Life, inspired by the anime Nichijou. Unlike the anime, though, my ordinary life isn’t as fun – there’s barely anything worth sharing. The goal is to do something interesting that’s worth talking about, but for today, I will lay out my typical day so that I will not be repeating it in future posts.
I normally wake up at around 8-9 AM, although that also depends on what time I get to bed the night before. I take a shower, spend a couple of minutes on social media while having coffee, and then head to work at around 10. I try to skip breakfast because of intermittent fasting – to supplement my ketogenic diet and lose more weight.
I used to work the morning shift but since February, my official working hours are now from 1PM to 10PM, although I do try to go to work earlier if I have meetings, or if I have a lot of things to do for the day.
I normally have salad for lunch (delivery), but if I’m not able to order, I just buy fried chicken from Ministop (a convenience store). Sometimes, I go out for lunch with friends, depending on their availability and if there’s no meeting to rush to afterwards.

The afternoon is usually filled with meetings and serious work. Although I try to stop the habit, I can’t help but get coffee from Starbucks on hectic days, or when I just can’t fight the sleepiness.

Two weeks ago, I bought an Aeropress so that I could make my own good tasting coffee at the office while saving money in the long run. I can already live on this (as a coffee addict), but when friends invite me to get coffee outside, I find it hard to say no. Also, I really love Starbucks’ Breve Latte. There are also days when I’m craving for Arabica’s Soy Latte, which is my favorite – but it’s a bit pricier and also the store is a lot further from the office.
For dinner, I usually eat with my teammates – we either buy fried chicken (again) from Ministop, or buy takeaway from Rustan’s (my fave is their DIY salad bar) or from Mercato (the nearby food park). This depends on what I had for lunch. Sometimes, my older set of friends from my previous team would invite me to eat as well, which is what happened today. We ended up at Jollibee where surprise, I ordered fried chicken yet again.

After dinner, it’s back to work until the end of the shift. Depending on the work day, sometimes I extend past 10PM, especially during month-end close or reconciliation period, but I also try to go home on time.
Also, depending on the mood of the team, we sometimes go out after work to de-stress, enjoy a couple (or more) of drinks, and even hit the karaoke bar in the middle of the week. This also depends on how busy the next day will be because when we go out, we go all out! If you know what I mean.
When I get home on a normal day, depending on how tired I am, I spend a few hours watching Netflix (mostly Japanese series/anime) or YouTube. I try to squeeze studying into my after work to-do’s but it’s been difficult for me to religiously keep this up – same with blogging. Hopefully, I will be able to build the routine and be consistent with at least blogging, and then studying can follow.
There you go, that’s how my nichijou is on the weekdays. I will look for something interesting to post each day. This will be a challenge but this would also help make my daily life a bit more fun than usual. Hopefully.
That’s all for now! What’s your nichijou like?