2019.04.01 – Happy April Fool’s!
Alright, let’s do this. I want to get back to daily blogging again, even if my posts don’t make any sense on most days – because really, my life is not as exciting as I want it to be. As an office worker, my routine is all about waking up to go to work, and coming home to sleep. I talked about it before and part of why I want to blog more regularly is that it forces me to look for something interesting to do, so that I have something to write about. And I’ll try to do just that.
For now, all I know is that I want to post something on a daily basis.
The first of April is notorious for being the day when you just have to stop trusting in people. There were times when I engaged in elaborate attempts to trick or fool friends, but gone are those days. I don’t even see people making an effort on this day anymore. These tricks or jokes mostly happen just on the Internet nowadays, not so much in real life, at least not around me. So yes, despite the title, there is no fooling around involved in this post. And no, my attempt to blog daily again isn’t a joke either.
April Full’s
Today was pretty normal. We had dinner outside with my teammates and it still amazes me how big our team (in terms of # of members, and not in terms of actual size per human being) is compared to when there was just 6 of us. There were 16 of us at dinner tonight, that we had to wait in line until a huge table was available for our group. We ate at Din Tai Fung, which is a challenge for someone following a Ketogenic way of life so I obviously failed – I probably had around 5 pieces of Xiao Long Bao and a bite or two of a steamed bun. Not to be too hard on myself, but I have been slacking off the past month and I need to get back on track. As usual, I will try again tomorrow.

So yeah, my first of April was more like April Full’s (may lightning strike me for my corny ass joke) because I ate too much. To be fair though, I did not have lunch.
Anyhow, there’s a lot of catching up to do on this blog. And I really mean a lot. Until now, as has been my problem for the past xx years, I can never decide on a niche or a specific topic that I want to focus on so a random daily journal works best for me. I’ll be posting about my Singapore trip last month in the next few days so please look out for those.
For now, sleep – because the coffee I drank at 12 midnight is finally wearing off. Oyasumi!