2018.09.25 – 今 – Manila-bound
Today was my last day in Cebu. My Manila-bound flight was at 10PM, but I had to meet up with Darl’s and Daisy for dinner so I left home early. I ended work at around 4:30PM and started packing my things. We were going to eat at a Korean restaurant near the airport called Da Rae Won. I arrived at around 5:30 PM, and they arrived 30 minutes later. We had an entire 3 hours of eating and catching-up before they dropped me off at the airport.

We talked about a lot of things, but mostly about Darl’s interesting life (as usual). She’s notorious for her detailed recollection of events and story-telling skills. She did most of the talking, but we didn’t mind! Haha.
I got to the airport at around 9:30 and my flight was at 10:15 PM. I felt sad leaving Cebu again, but perhaps after 11 years, I’ve finally accepted the fact that this is how my life is already. Cebu will always be there when I get homesick. I have learned that I need to appreciate what I have and to not be too hard on myself. I’m not doing something that’s against my will – life’s circumstances may have put me here but I chose to stay because it was for the better. I don’t even know where I’ll be in the future, it may even take me further from home – but that’s life, I guess. What’s important is that I make the most out of everything life gives me! Or so I convince myself.

Today’s word is 今 (pronounced i-ma), which means NOW.