2018.09.23 – 暇 – Restful Sunday
I did not do anything the entire Sunday, other than just rest. I originally planned to go to Dalaguete but I changed my mind when my younger sister told me she isn’t going. Since I was still so tired from all of the activities and night outs the past few days, I decided to just stay at home! I slept the entire day, waking up only to pee and drink water. At around 4PM, I finally woke up and cooked dinner with whatever is left in the fridge. My older sister arrived from Dalaguete in the afternoon and we watched Bleach on Netflix (my second time) after eating. I wanted to blog but I didn’t have energy or the will power, and since Monday was coming, I decided to just take it easy.
暇 (pronounced hi-ma) means free time – imagine it as the opposite of being busy – which is basically what happened to me the entire day.