2018.09.20 – 木曜日 – Manggahan / Recharge
This is actually a continuation of the previous post but since this technically happened on a Thursday already, I decided to separate it!
Our second (and last stop) for the night/early morning was Manggahan in Lahug. They were actually already closing when we got there, but they allowed us to order and stay as long as we wanted at the porch area (even if they closed the store already). We had A LOT of fun talking about what’s happening with our lives, setting up Hannah’s Tinder account (which she eventually just deleted), and drinking alcohol just like we did a lot back in college. Only this time, Chowa settled for Apple Beer, while the rest of us had Tanduay Rhum with Coke Zero (because Keto). We did not notice the time and all of a sudden, the sun was starting to come out and it was already 6 in the morning! This gave birth to the Morning the Night series of the weekend.

The rest of Thursday
I got home at 6:30 AM, slept, and woke up with a hangover at around 10AM because – surprise – I still had work! At least I was working from home and I could take a rest when I had to. I finished up my morning meetings and went back to sleep during lunch. I woke up at around 1:30 PM again and went back to work. My mom arrived from Dalaguete and cooked me real food which was great because my stomach was already churning from hunger at this time. I decided not to go out and spend time at home with my family for the rest of the day since my weekend will be spent with my friends. It was a day of recuperation and recharging.
As you can see – it was a long Wednesday/Thursday for me, but it was one of my rare “perfect” days. Being able to really enjoy the day, catching up with friends old and new, is something I want to do more often. I have been spending too much time on work lately, and while that is OK, I want to do something more on top of that on a daily basis.
Thursday is 木曜日 (moku-you-bi) in Japanese. 木 stands for Tree!