2018.09.08 – Big Mama & Crepe Amelie
My brother woke me up at 8 in the morning to have some breakfast. Both of us have a hangover from the night before, but he had it worse than me and prepared breakfast, so I had to oblige. I got up, ate, and went back to sleep after because I was still so sleepy. I woke up again at around 2 pm already, received an invite from Ivan to eat lunch at Big Mama since he was in the area for a dentist appointment. So, I finally got out of bed and showered! We shouldn’t be wasting Saturdays away like this!
Big Mama!
It was a good day to be walking around the neighborhood. The sun was out, the sky was clear, there weren’t a lot of cars on the road. I told my brother that it was an image taken out of a city pop song.

I finally arrived at Big Mama, excited for the chicken – and was shocked to be having a hot pot on a hot day! That thing was huge and there was only two of us to eat it all! The menu labeled it as “good for Filipino taste”. I didn’t know what that meant, but it was a bit too spicy for my liking. We didn’t get to finish this so Ivan just took the rest of it home.

When eating in Big Mama, here are my recommended orders:

The fried chicken, as always, never fails to hit the spot! I was stuffed full after lunch! We went to get coffee at the nearby Starbucks after and played Pokémon Go and Pokémon Quest. Right now, in Pokémon Go, you can get a Lucky Pokémon for trading a Pokémon caught from July to August 2016. Lucky Pokémon basically means that you can level it up for half the price of stardust and it just looks really cool on both your Pokémon Box and your Pokédex!
After finishing my coffee, I had the sudden urge to go to the toilet (must be from all of the heavy cream) so I said good bye and ran home in time for…well, I won’t delve further.
Crepe Amelie!
I fell asleep after fixing up my blog (again). I wasn’t satisfied with my previous theme so I ended up changing it again to a more minimalistic one. At around 6:30 pm, I woke up to another invite, this time from Kristi and Mark who wanted to meet up for coffee and desserts! They picked a café that’s just across the street from my place, so I washed my face and went to meet them.

There’s no shortage of topics to talk about with these two. We ended up planning a trip to Singapore in January, and I hope that comes true because we really should be out there enjoying life more! Haha. They just came from a London trip and I wish I joined them had they invited me! LOL. But Singapore, yes! Let’s do this!!!
I told them about a nearby unassuming bar that served curated cocktails and asked them if they wanted to get one shot for the road. I will talk more about it in a separate post because that place was amazing – like a hidden gem I want to share to the world, but also keep for myself! It’s called Run Rabbit Run, and while the price is a bit on the steep side – I highly recommend it to those looking for a place to chill (not to get drunk). Look out for the next post!