Tag: twitter

Quitting Social Media: What I Learned

A couple of months ago, in August to be exact, I decided to take an indefinite leave from social media. I managed to do it for almost two months, coming back to Twitter on October 15, and a bit earlier on Instagram, towards the end of September. This is an entry to just close this […]

Quitting Social Media

I’m quitting social media – at least the three top ones – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I’m thinking of it as a way to reduce the distractions in my life, to take me closer to living a more minimalist lifestyle. It’s not going to be easy, being a social media addict since social media was […]

How to not lose friends on Social Media

Your social media account is your own space – I agree to that. But just like your life is yours to live how you want, you still need to consider the impact of your own action to the people around you. If I don’t believe in deodorants as a person, I would still think twice […]