Tag: blog

traffic and rain

Under the weather

While summer has just recently started for the rest of the world, it’s done for the Philippines. We’ve had no sun for the past two weeks. It’s been raining non-stop, with crazy thunderstorms every other day. I love the rain – I am a rain person, and I like the cooler temperature that goes along […]

Stop trying and start doing

It’s the end of a fiscal year at work, and I’m also nearing the end of another year in this world. July to me is like New Year’s – I feel inspired to change, to start something new, to become better. The same goes for this blog, which I have obviously been neglecting for how […]

2018.09.06 – Blog changes / Debbie’s 10th

So, an email arrived that made me think twice about this whole blogging thing on here. I have been “secretly” blogging over at LiveJournal every day for a month now because that was where I started a long, long time ago. Last night, I got an email from my hosting service billing me for the […]

Quitting Social Media – 5 Days After

It’s only been 5 days after I “quit” social media and it hasn’t been easy! I keep looking at my phone in disappointment that there’s nothing to check. Good thing I still have YouTube left, so I’ve been watching motivational videos lately to help me get back on track with my goals. True enough, I […]

I Suck at Daily Blogging

I know, I know.  Even at studying for my upcoming exam this July. Just this week, I’ve blocked my calendar for these two main activities that I need to accomplish on a daily basis. I wasn’t able to follow this schedule the past two days, though! I’m still hopeful – slow progress is better than […]